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Childhood Eczema Treatment with Aromatherapy

About Treatment of Childhood Eczema

Childhood Eczema is increasing and is becoming a common problem to school age children. According to National Eczema society of UK, it is a common disease effecting children up to one fifth of all children in UK. The harshness of this disease can vary in different forms. This disease shows its effect on the skin of child and so the symptoms of this disease can also be judged from the inspection of the child’s skin.

Threatment of Childhood Eczema with Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy of Childhood Eczema Treatment
illustration - Image Source by:

In its initial forms the skin is hot, itchy and dry while in more severe forms the skin becomes raw, broken and which also results in bleeding which looks very unpleasant and cause uncomfortable ness, sleeplessness to child but it is not infectious and it cannot spread to others just by touching. The Aromatherapy treatment can reduce the effect of Eczema in child.
The treatment of Eczema can be done with Aromatherapy by the application of Essential Oils on the child through massage, but before applying these essential oils, it is advisable better not to take risk and should consult from Professional Aromatherapist rather than self prescribe this is to avoid any harm because these essential oils can cause harm to children if applied incorrectly

The experiment

This has been proved by one experiment. The experiment was done to find a better, efficient and effective solution to Eczema. The experiment was that a group consisting of eight children was taken to test the application of Aromatherapy. These children were divided into two groups randomly in which first group received treatment of Aromatherapy in which the essential oils choose to massage the children skin were from among 36 commonly used Essential oils.

These Essential oils were German Chamomile, Thyme, Spike, Lavender, Benzoin and Litsea Cubeba. While another group of children received massage without essential oils. This was done for the period of eight weeks in which massage was given by the therapist once a week while for remaining times mother gave massage to their children. The treatments were evaluated day by day. Children from both groups showed improvement but there was no differences in the improvement of both the groups.

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